ItineraryLACalif18-22Oct03.htm        VeganCowboy(Scientist).org
Los Angles, 18-29 Oct 03, Speaking Schedule:
Oct  12,  2003
Schedule - Travel, Classes and interviews: click here for Calendar (which may need updating)
Tom Rodgers and Boo
in Malibu
More information is coming on Vegan Family verses State Child Protective Services, the Medical Establishment and the Law.
Family vs State (
If you are aware of similar situations or cases, or can help please contact us.
 Email here.
Vegan Baby Wrongfully Taken From Parents!!!
Your help is needed!
Vegetarian / Vegan, Alternative Medicine, Home Educated Children and their Families' Unity --

- all is put at Risk - 
by adversarial family members, neighbors or friends,
Medicine, Child Protective Services, 
and the States Legal System!
Special L. A. Calif. Presentations - Vegan Cowboy Science - Oct 18-29

See Flyer at bottom, click flyer, "Family" or "Schedule" link for info, Los Angles, Calif. itinerary, followed in Utah & more.

Oct 12 2003 
     As you can see in flyer below, I will be in Los Angles, California, Saturday Oct 18 through Wednesday Oct 22 speaking to EarthSave - Inland Empire  and others as I have been requested.
     They have asked me to explain Algae, B12, etc. 
     We also have legal cases being claimed against Vegans and Natural Health Choice Families here in my community that have been hitting the National news! There are similar cases nationally! So I will also (as the crowd wishes) speak somewhat on the Medical misperceptions the State and Physicians have with Vegan nutrition (and B12). And I will address the legal, social and medical experiences of several Vegan /Natural Health Families in their battles with Doctors, Hospitals, State Agencies, Judiciary and adversarial neighbours, community or relatives -- and the States decisions -- or serious interference -- with how to feed, medically treat, educate and care for our own Vegan children. 
    Sunday evening, Oct 19, 6pm - 7 pm, in Los Angles, I have been asked to be a guest along with Nation-Earth Documentry Film Maker, Shaun Monson and (by phone) Ron Karren representing IMS and the F.A.I.R. Alliance on Integrated Medicine on the Bob Linden's Go Vegan Radio Show, 6PM on HOT TALK AM-830, KPLS in LA and KYCY-1550AM in San Francisco, etc with followup on his Web-Site
    More information and detail is coming on Vegan Family verses State Child Protective Services, the Medical Establishment and the Law.  Click on this link: Family vs State (
   If you are aware of similar situations or cases please contact us. Email here.

Map and Driving instructions To EarthSave Inland Empire Meeting courtesy
For Broader or Closer Views and/or Driving Directions from your home
and to copy in print friendly format or PDF click here or on map.
.  Back to Schedule for Vegan Cowboy  .  EarthSave Inland Empire  .  IMS /F.A.I.R. Alliance on Integrated Medicine  .  .
Family vs State (  .  Email here.